
What is Instagram Carousels and How to leverage Instagram carousels

Instagram launched  2017 the carousel feature. And carousels have gotten a massive growth in popularity from one year to another, with more and more posts surfacing.

From big brands to micro-influencers, everyone is using these Carousels to get their audiences engaged. Socialinsider examined over 22 million Instagram posts, of which nearly 3 million were carousels. Instagram Carousels have the highest engagement rate of all post types. I’ll show you that what is Instagram Carousels.

Carousels are a format that lets you add up to 10 photos or videos into one single post.  You can include a caption, alt-image text, a geotag, and account and product tags on each image in your carousel. In some ways, it’s like a slideshow. You can use it with the use of a common filter for all the media files.


Carousel posts have received a higher engagement rate per post - up to 5.13%

Out of the nearly 3 million carousels studied, it was found those with 10 slides generate the highest engagement rate.

Carousel posts receive a median of 7.99 comments per post.

How to leverage Instagram carousels

A good example of this is Apple's social campaign. They do a great job of using UGC.

By curating UGC, Apple encouraged their audience to take more photos on their iPhones. At the same time, stunning photos highlight the camera quality of their phones.

The limit of Instagram carousels

  • · You should post a minimum of 2 photos or videos to qualify it as a carousel.
  • · The video duration should not be more than 1 minute and the size should be restricted to 4GB. The length of the video should be limited to one minute

Design is critical for playing on Instagram(visual app). with design, your content mixing images and videos could be more eye-catching. But designing a post takes up a lot of time. That’s where templates come in. Furthermore, templates make your content consistent.

Tutorial content

Carousels are great for sharing educational content. Publish a series of images or videos to explain Cooking tutorials, painting methods and more. Let your customers see what they are passionate about.  

Product launch

Since Instagram is known for business engagement, (about 80% of Instagram users follow a business), launch a product is a great way for customers to know about your product. Visually showing the benefits of your product to appeal to your target audience.

Instagram is a visual-centric platform, so images and videos are the best way to keep people engaging with your post. And the more engagement you get, the more seen your content will get.

Event Recap

With Carousel, you can recap your business campaigns. Followers can swipe through and reminisce an event in just one post. You don’t have to resort to spam and keep sharing multiple photos. 

Brand personality

It is a great way to build your brand and company culture.

can go a long way in building trust and credibility for your business. 

be a great opportunity to highlight your work culture and values. It’s a double win.

Carousels are a top-performing organic piece of content. Drive your business with Carousels.