
Tips and Tricks for Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace is Facebook’s built in buy and sell channel. It allows Facebook users to sell items directly to each other. According to Facebook data, more than one in three US Facebook users buy and sell on Marketplace each month. Facebook Marketplace used to be a peer-to-peer shopping marketplace, but has expanded to include merchant selling.

Do some research

Before you start selling, look around the Facebook Marketplace and see what people are selling in your area. Do you want to sell locally, regionally or nationally? Differentiate yourself by selling items that are not similar to other items. Medium to large sized items are popular on the Facebook Marketplace. General household items such as furniture, electronics and microwaves are common.

Take good pictures

Pictures have a long way to go. Don't use stock images as this is often seen as fraudulent. Present your items in the way you want to see them in the shop. Take multiple, clear photos in good lighting with plain backgrounds. Avoid filters and be sure to capture the item at multiple angles.

Include an accurate and detailed description in addition to time and availability. In addition to any warranty information, make sure your photos also show any potential defects. In this way, customers know they are dealing with a serious seller who has taken the time to display the item for sale. Use a plain white or black background when taking photos. This eliminates distractions.

Be consistent

Sellers who try to sell everything they can on marketplaces are rarely successful. Consistency will give you control over pricing, listing, and delivery expertise. It will also build you a following across your social media channels because you will be known as the subject matter expert on your items.

List Brand names

Include brand names in all of my listings.  If it’s an item that is still available in stores, you could link the manufacturer’s listing and description. It is believed that this helps people to get a feel for what they may have to pay if they have to buy a new car.

Sell on Facebook like retail stores

This is retail arbitrage, a business model that works well on Amazon. In fact, 19% of Amazon sellers engage in retail arbitrage, with over half of them making $1,000 or more in sales per month.

It also works well on eBay, so there's no reason why you can't succeed on Facebook. If there are local people in your area looking for the same products, then you will have customers.

Spread the word

Facebook owns Instagram and you can easily cross-post your listings. This means more eyes will see your items. You can also automatically cross-post your listing in other Facebook groups you belong to. This also means that you will get more seen and potential buyers.

Explain why you are selling

You could clearly explain why I'm selling an item (to clean up a room, to change the style) so that people understand that there is nothing wrong with the listing (especially if the item is in good condition). Explain how you use it. Show items that have been used in your home to inspire people!

Andrew Pires, the owner of eCommerce from New York, The Maskie, says: 

Facebook Marketplace allows for businesses to nurture a relationship with your customers, which is extremely important for brand name and consumer retention. Your goal should be to have your customers see you as a person rather than a business and feel comfortable reaching out to you about your products. As time goes on, you will see that this connection makes your customer pool grow, and more loyal customers will arise as well.

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