
How to Use Social Media Marketing Tools to Improve Your Performance?

How to Use Social Media Marketing Tools to Improve Your Performance?

In today’s digital marketing landscape, social media marketing has emerged as a game-changer for small businesses. It’s like having a megaphone that allows you to reach and engage with your target audience on a massive scale. Social media takes a toll on everybody, and so humans have started to opt for social media marketing tools to ease their lives! Businesses have started to sell their products online because they know their potential buyers have changed their buying medium.

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing is the art of managing various social media platforms to promote your business, products, or services. With the world being so fast and hip, social media has become an integral part of our lives, with billions of users actively engaging on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. As a small business owner or a WordPress user, harnessing the power of social media marketing allows you to tap into this vast pool 

What Are Social Media Marketing Tools?

The world has become a global village, which is because communication has become a lot stronger than it used to be. There are so many mediums to communicate with the world now, and many keep evolving; it is hard to put a number to them.

The top ones are prominent and relatable too. And since everybody uses the internet, marketers and brands have started to focus on online markets.

With that in mind, and because there are several platforms on social media to post on, social media manager apps like JarveePro have been introduced to make your work easier and let you take a break. These social media scheduling tools make your life a lot easier by taking care of regular and repetitive tasks.

The social media platforms are new homes for conducting business, creating consumer bases, advertising products, and generating revenues. Social media marketing apps help you schedule your posts on different platforms. Not just that, they help you analyze where you can get the best traffic. And which post got the best response from the audience. They make your work effortless, effective, and productive because social media automation tools can effectively run campaigns by themselves.

Use cases of Social Media Marketing Tools

  • Multiple accounts: You can connect and manage multiple social media accounts from one central dashboard. (
  • Mercedes-Benz: Repeated, successful social media marketing campaigns.)
  • Analytics: You can get detailed analytics reports on your social media activity.
  • Sharpie: Turning an ordinary commodity into a common noun.
  • Monitoring: You can monitor keywords, other accounts, hashtags, etc. that are related to your industry. 
  • Dove: Connecting with their target audience.
  • Scheduling: You can schedule posts for when you can’t go online.
  • Oreo: Smart content planning and timely delivery.
  • Content: Develop a consistent brand voice and visual identity 
  • Nutella: Incredible content that makes you salivate

There are two universal truths about social media marketing automation tools:

  1. Not every business or marketing team needs marketing automation software

  2. For those who do, choosing between social media marketing automation platforms requires a lot more subtlety and nuance than just buying the first all-in-one tool that pops into your head (usually JarveePro or Followinglike)

With that in mind, choosing the right marketing automation software for your team comes down to two things:

  1. Knowing when you’re ready for an automated marketing platform

  2. Understanding your use cases

From our experience, businesses aren’t ready for marketing automation until they tick at least three of these boxes:

  • You have a marketing team of at least one person who only does marketing.

    Digital marketing automation can streamline and scale your efforts, but it isn’t a substitute for actual marketing know-how. If you’re a founder or early employee doing a bunch of activities, including marketing, and think an "automation" tool is going to free up your time, a tool isn’t going to solve your problem.

  • All of your marketing efforts flow from a defined strategy.

    For the same reason as above, you don’t need an automation tool to throw more spaghetti at the wall in hopes that something sticks.

  • Your marketing team has more money than time.

    A marketing automation strategy helps your team do more in less time—but you have to be comfortable with the financial hand-off that buys you that time. With automation tools, you can easily automate repetitive tasks and save time.


Scale your marketing efforts with best marketing automation software

Marketing automation is still a young and growing industry. Even today, there are plenty of conflicting opinions about what is the best social media marketing automation tool for each business, especially when you consider that many businesses will need multiple different tools to cover all their bases.

As a result, not every company or marketing team is ready to automate their operation, but when the time comes, social media marketing automation tools can take a solid marketing strategy to entirely new heights.

By using JarveePro to customize your unique needs and choosing the right campaign to fill them, you can turn marketing insights into A+ execution at scale, so you can spend less time on the nitty-gritty and more time growing the business.